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We can help you profit from your data. Sentient is the first company in the Netherlands to focus on data mining. Many of our consultants have more than 10 years of experience in data mining projects in various organizations.

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The unique thing about the Quickscan is that it allows demonstrating the potential of data mining on your own data. Immediate relevant results are generated, based on a subset of your own database.
Ask for a Quickscan now.

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Data fusion

Data fusion provides a way out by combining information from different sources for each customer, using all overlapping information available and automatically predicting (imputing) the missing values. Sentient provides the unique technology to make this possible.

With +20 in-house experienced A.I. specialists we can provide you with customized service remotely and on-site. We offer three ways to start with us: Consultancy, Quickscan and Data fusion.


We also regularly hold machine learning and A.I. workshops for various industries executives.

Our Services: Services
DataDetective Workshop
DataDetective Workshop
Mar 21, 2019, 9:00 AM – Mar 22, 2019, 5:00 PM
Sentient Information Technologies B.V.,
Singel 160, 1015 AH Amsterdam, Netherlands
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